Drawing infrastructure for WhatsApp will become more advanced

WhatsApp will soon not work on some very old phones

WhatsAppcontinues to develop new features. This time, a detail about the drawing tool is on the agenda. taking.

WhatsApp Many different features are being developed and existing features are being updated. As seen in the latest beta versions, the company will soon update its drawing tool. New drawing tool wabetainfo As shown by, it will be just like below and will bring more customization options than before. For example, in the new interface, it will be easier to switch between different fonts, text alignment (Left, right or center) will be made and the text background can be easily selected in different colors. Thanks to these updates, people will be able to fill images more beautifully and effectively, and hardcore users of the tool will be delighted.

Drawing infrastructure for WhatsApp will become more advanced

WhatsApp, people soon will allow to send original quality photos. Currently, compression is applied when a photo is sent on the platform, which of course has a negative impact on the photo quality. This infrastructure will continue to be used in the new period. In fact, data-saving compression engines will most likely become standard. However, if people who risk high data usage will be able to share the photos they take with the least possible loss of quality.

This can be pretty good for many, many people make it standard to always upload photos with the highest quality. can bring. Today, photos taken with high-end current smartphone models can exceed 20 MB. It is still unknown when this new infrastructure will be available.
