Dragon’s Dogma 2 is quite old-school in some areas and doesn’t explain some important basics in as much detail as you would expect from modern role-playing games. In this guide we summarize all the tips and tricks for getting started that we wish we had known before we started.
What is this article about? We’ll give you tips and tricks to make it easier for you to get started with Dragon’s Dogma 2. The new role-playing game from Capcom tends to explain some important basics little or not at all.
We focus on insights and observations we made during our own run – often later than we would have liked. So that you don’t keep thinking: “I wish I had known that at the beginning of the game!”
Tips for getting started with Dragon’s Dogma 2
First, a few simple basics:
In cities, your sprinting does not consume stamina. Simply tap the run button to activate the dash step. By tapping again you end the sprint.
There is a quick use function for the lamp and consumable items such as healing potions. To do this, you have to press the left front shoulder button on the controller and then trigger the desired action using the control pad. On the PC you have to press the CTRL key and then T, B, R or G – depending on the action.
Time-critical quests are highlighted in the quest log – in such cases the hand symbol always changes to an hourglass symbol.
Your vassals are real chatterboxes. However, every now and then they want to show you something important or lead you to a certain place. Accept the suggestion with the go command and your companion will run off.
Are you supposed to examine a room but can’t find anything? In Dragon’s Dogma 2 there are a number of secret doors that you can simply push open. So take a close look at the walls.
Don’t just level up your hero’s career, which is what you want to play most of the time. You can learn passive improvements via the other career paths, which you can also use with your favorite class. You will receive more than enough DP points to pursue further careers.
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If you change your career, for example from thief to archer, you will automatically receive the appropriate equipment for your new career in the career guild. So don’t stock up on weapons and clothes beforehand.
Always pack some lamp oil so that you can use your lamp in caves and at night. Pitch darkness in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is exactly that: pitch black.
Also a must for your inventory before heading out into the wilderness: camp equipment. However, it is difficult. So distribute these among the inventories of your vassals.
By resting in an inn you create an alternative save state. This can help if the actual state of the game leads you into a difficult situation from which you cannot escape. The save game from the inn will only help you if you update it regularly. Otherwise, you may lose a few hours of progress.
Combine your items in inventory and storage as often as possible. On the one hand, you save on the load, and on the other hand, food does not spoil once it has been processed accordingly.
Also important for your load capacity: keep an eye out for gold beetles. For every gold beetle you use, you can carry 150 grams more weight. This adds up over time.
It’s worth exploring the world of Dragon’s Dogma 2 with your eyes open. Chests, quests, NPCs and more are hidden everywhere. Areas sometimes change over time, and you may meet some residents in a different place during the day than at night.
Would you like more than one save game? That’s how it’s done:
more on the subject
Dragon’s Dogma 2: Start a new game without deleting the save file – We’ll tell you how to do it on the PC
by Karsten Scholz
Fast travel tips
The oxcarts offer a solid alternative for fast travel. Just take a nap and you’ll be at your destination in seconds. At least most of the time. Every now and then the cart is attacked by monsters and even destroyed. Then you unfortunately have to walk the rest of the way.
In some settlements there are destination crystals that you can teleport to almost any time using travel stones. Every now and then you’ll even find destination crystals that you can place in the world to create additional fast travel points.
Fast travel via teleportation also works if you need to escort an NPC over a long distance or guide them to a specific location. If in doubt, simply lift the resident in question onto your shoulders and then use the travel stone.
Regular camping in the wilderness is important to keep everyone’s health in good shape.
Trapped in the dungeon – this is how you escape
If you are caught in a secure area (such as parts of Vernworth Castle) or commit a crime in the city (such as attacking a guard), the guards will overpower you and throw you into the local dungeon.
What to do if you end up in the dungeon? You can find dungeon keys in the game and use them to escape. At times you can even get a dungeon key through a quest.
In the first town of Vernworth you can also simply break through the back wall with a heavy attack and then escape via the sewers.
If you end up in the dungeon, your equipment is missing. But don’t worry: as soon as you escape the walls, you will automatically get everything back.
Tips from Capcom developers Via
1) NPC conversations and monologues provide you with valuable information! 2) When you enter a new city or town, always take a break at the inn first. 3) Follow the loading screen tips. 4) You can also use the service of an ox cart that is already moving. 5) At the sign by the oxcart service you can skip ahead at the time of departure. 6) Some resources can be conserved and refreshed via combining.
Tips for fighting in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Pack auxiliary vassals whose roles complement your career. The author of these lines plays a thief and has a healer as his main vassal. The other two fighters therefore always take on tank and ranged roles.
Every now and then you will have to deal with crooks who can steal from you if your hero is knocked out – for example by a harpy’s sleep attack. As soon as you catch the thief and knock him down, the stolen goods will land on the ground. Don’t forget to collect!
When you’re out and about at night, you’ll encounter more and stronger monsters. Although this also promises better rewards, it can also quickly cost the lives of an ailing or low-level hero squad. Use campsites or inns to skip the night.
Exchange your auxiliary vassals regularly so that you have the highest level fighters possible at your side. In addition, new vassals potentially bring new knowledge that can help you with quests and exploring the game world.
Dangerous monsters such as griffins, ogres, dragons or some undead give a lot of experience points and valuable resources, but are also significantly more dangerous than normal opponents. Depending on the status of your group, it may be more effective to simply walk past the opponent and come back later strengthened.
If a minion is knocked down in battle, you have a lot of time to run to them and help them back up. Every now and then one of the vassals still standing will even bring you the body of the knocked out fighter.
However, there are also deaths that are final for the time being – for example when a vassal falls into deep water. You can revive your main vassal directly at the Rift Crystal. As far as auxiliary vassals are concerned, you can hire new ones (also with the Rift Crystal) or look for the vassals you already know (if you want to take them with you again).
You can pick up anything and throw it at your enemies. This is not only possible with stones and explosive barrels, you can even throw your minions or stunned opponents at enemies.
You can quickly defeat some nasty enemies by luring them over the edge of a cliff or into deep water.
With large monsters, it also helps to bring some of the NPCs running around the world into the fight. By the way, every creature has weak points where you can cause a lot of damage. In some cases you can only get to them if you knock over the cattle or climb up on them.
In some places, such as fortifications or towers, there are guns that you can use, for example to effectively combat flying enemies.
What tips for beginners come to mind when you think back to your first few hours with Dragon’s Dogma 2? If you come up with any useful tricks, we would be happy to add them to our guide.
If you’re wondering which class you should choose to start with, we have a guide for that too:
Dragon’s Dogma 2: These are the best classes/careers for beginners to start with
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