Draghi returns to Rome, Cdm expected in the afternoon: the knots to be solved

Draghi returns to Rome Cdm expected in the afternoon the

(Finance) – A new provision for expensive bills and budget settlement. These – according to what has been learned – are the themes on the table of Council of Ministers expected in the afternoon whose session, however, has not yet been officially convened. To participate in the Cdm Prime Minister Mario Draghi he left the NATO summit in Madrid early, handing over the baton to Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini. But beyond the official motivation, at the basis of Draghi’s sudden return to Rome there could also be the many knots to be solved that are cracking the majority. Not least the Conte affair.

After “case” of the phone calls between the Prime Minister and Beppe Grillo – emerged from the interview with Domenico De Masi published yesterday by the “Fatto newspaper” – a clarification is expected between the premier and Giuseppe Conte. According to what was revealed by the sociologist and scientific coordinator of the M5S training school, Draghi would have asked Grillo “to remove Conte from the M5s because he is inadequate”. This was just the latest in a series of requests.

Prime Minister Mario Draghi “never said or asked Beppe Grillo to remove Giuseppe Conte from the M5s”, sources from Palazzo Chigi announced last night. After Conte’s statements on alleged interference by Draghi in the dynamics of the M5s, “the government does not risk it” said the premier in a press point on the sidelines of the NATO summit underway in Madrid. “We spoke to Conte a little while ago, I had looked for him, then he called me back. We will hear from you again tomorrow to see you again as soon as possible”, said Draghi.

In these hours, however, the premier must also address the tensions in the government majority. To crack the majority are the frictions on the Ius scholae and cannabis with the League that got in the way. “We observe with concern the continuous provocations of the Democratic Party and 5 Stars. Instead of working in Parliament on increasing pension salaries, they legalize drugs and give easy citizenships. I add that the deep grillini crisis has also involved the premier and risks increasing the fibrillations. This government was not born to open the doors to the 27,000 illegal immigrants who have landed so far. We have been waiting for a long time for the tax pact for 20 million Italians hostage to Equitalia and in January we could not tolerate the return to the Fornero law “, commented the leder of the Lega Matteo Salvini in an interview in Corriere della Sera denying, however, that he wanted to withdraw support for the government. “Blocking Parliament to vote Ius scholae and free drugs is – added Salvini – against the interests of the country. We have been very responsible up to now: from the war to the pandemic to the tax reform, while asserting our positions. The dialectic is the salt. of democracy. However, we cannot accept a forcing that risks damaging Italy and the Italians. This initiative by the Democratic Party and the 5 Stars, combined with citizenship that is easy for immigrants, is a serious attack on the government and creates a dramatic split between the forces that support Draghi. While in the Chamber the left has decided to take this very dangerous path, in the Senate committee we approved the fair compensation expected by the professional associations. There is a big difference, don’t you think? “.
