Draghi, meeting with managers of European industry

Draghi meeting with managers of European industry

(Finance) – It went well” : these are the words of the former Italian prime minister and former president of the ECB, Mario Draghi at the end of the meeting with the representatives of theERT (European Roundtable for industry) – which took place at the Milan headquarters of Bankitalia – aimed at producing a report on the competitiveness of European industry, which will be presented after the European elections.

Lasting about three hours, the summit was attended by the president of the ERT and the V groupodafone, Jean-Francois van Boxmeer; Dimitri Papalexopoulos, president of Titan Cement Group; Ilham Kadri, CEO of Solvay; Jim Hagemann Snabe, president of Siemens and Jacob Wallenberg, president of Investor AB. Also present was Vittorio Colao, former minister for technological innovation and digital transition.

Meanwhile, the hypothesis of seeing former Italian Prime Minister Draghi at the helm of the EU Council is gaining ground. More than a simple suggestion, relaunched by the Financial Times after President Charles Michel’s decision to run for the European elections and therefore to resign early from his current position.

“It is difficult to predict the sequence of agreements to fill the top positions in the EU, which also depend on the outcome of the European elections”, we read in the London newspaper. “A source close to Draghi said he is not seeking any leading role in the bloc,” the FT said but also highlighted the comment of the former director of the Institute of International Affairs, Nathalie Tocci, who said That “he is unlikely to say no if asked seriously.”

Also vying for the seat at the European Council, according to the FT Spanish Pedro Sánchez and Danish Mette Frederiksen. “Unlike Draghi, both leaders are affiliated with major European political parties, an important factor in EU appointments.
