Draghi, Macron and Scholz on their way to Kiev: summit by train

Draghi Macron and Scholz on their way to Kiev summit

(Finance) – The Italian Premier Draghi is on his way to Kiev together with French President Emmanuel Macron and German leader Olaf.

The three are reaching the Ukrainian capital by trainfollowing an armored path that gives Medyka, a Polish town on the border. In the night they had a “summit” aboard the convoy ahead of the meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky to which they will bring a fort solidarity message which will reaffirm the firm condemnation to Russia and full support for Kiev and the Ukrainian people.

Meanwhile, according to reports from Sky News, the British Prime Minister too Boris Johnson promised “unshakable support” to Ukraine from the UK over a phone call with Zelensky. The two discussed in particular the“unforgivable blockade of Ukrainian wheat” from Russia and Johnson said he hoped that “progress” can be done in the next few days.

Telephone conversation also between the president of the United States Joseph Biden and Zelensky which emphasizing “the importance and timeliness” of the additional $ 1 billion aid package decided by Washington he wanted to reiterate how “The support for US security is unprecedented.

The tension between Russia and the United States. There are international experts, even in America, who are already saying that something is not working “, Kremlin spokesman Peskov said in an interview with Ria Novosti, stressing that relations between Moscow and Washington I’m at “zero point”. “There is no Russian-American dialogue as such “he added.

Telephone conversation also between president Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin during which it was emphasized that China has always made an evaluation of the Ukrainian affair from a historical point of view and “from what is right and wrong, making judgments independently e actively promoting world peace and stability of the global economic order “.

Xi Jinping noted that “all sides should push for an adequate solution of the crisis in Ukraine in a responsible way “.
