Draghi government at the end of the line, only formal trust: what happens tomorrow

Covid Draghi announces the end of the state of emergency

(Finance) – It’s the longer day and also the fatal one for the Draghi Government. Eventually, the Senate confirms confidence in the government by approving the resolution on communications from the Prime Minister presented by Pier Ferdinando Casini with just 95 votes in favor and 38 against. The senators of M5S, Lega and Fi do not vote: the pentastellati declare themselves “present not voting”.

It is during the explanations of vote that it is understood that they are approaching him dissolution of Parliament and the vote: it is the end of a dramatic day lived between Palazzo Madama, Palazzo Chigi and the Quirinale and the crisis open from M5s. “On this day of madness, Parliament decides to go against Italy. We have put all possible efforts to avoid it and support the Draghi government. The Italians will demonstrate in the polls that they are wiser than their representatives”. This is the bitter comment on Twitter of the secretary of the Pd Enrico Letta.

“As I said to the Senate from tomorrow nothing will be the same again. But today we can only say thanks to Mario Draghi. Proud to have wanted him against everything and everyone. Proud to have supported him even today”, he writes Matteo Renzi. Of “black page” speaks the Minister of Foreign Affairs Di Maio. The comment by Calenda: “The unworthy end of a disastrous legislature. Populist scoundrels have sent home the most illustrious Italian. The first thing we say is thank you #Draghi. We will fight to carry out his agenda and his way of doing politics. Serious Italy takes the field, it’s time.

“Draghi and Italy have been victims, for days, of the madness of the 5Stelle and the power games of the Democratic Party”. Matteo Salvini said this, opening the meeting with the parliamentarians of the League in the Chamber. “The entire center-right was willing to continue without the grillini, with Draghi at Palazzo Chigi and with a new and stronger government. The Democratic Party has blown everything up,” Salvini explained. Which he added: “Let’s hope this is the last Parliament where hundreds of people change their shirts and
lounge chair”

“Complex day”. It opens like this Giorgia Meloni her speech at the Brothers of Italy demonstration in Piazza Vittorio in Rome. «Enrico Letta had said that the Italians are better than this Parliament. I give you some news, after what happened today I agree with Letta: the Italians are better than this Parliament. Dragons? The will of the citizens manifests itself with the vote “.

Contrary to what was thought, once the result of the Senate was acquired, Draghi left Palazzo Chigi but did not go to the Colle to confer with the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. F.onti del Quirinale let it be known that no meeting is scheduled for this evening. Probably we will have to wait for the parliamentary process to be concluded, in fact, President Draghi has expressed his desire to attend the activities of the Chamber scheduled for tomorrow at 9, with the resignation soon after.
