Drag queens want to get kids to read more

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Bullying and exclusion affect many children while growing up. Another cloud of worry that the adult world is trying to remedy is the declining reading among young people. Drag artists Inga Tvivel, Tant Henrik and Björta want to strengthen children’s self-esteem and get them to read more books – and together with the founder and director Petter Wallenberg, they go around with the theater company “Among dragons and drag queens”, to stages and libraries, where they read to children .

– Yes, I often get emails from parents afterwards thanking them for a nice and inspiring story time. The children come home and are going to play story time and pick out books and put on glittery clothes and start using their imaginations, says Björta.

Petter Wallenberg tells us what reactions their storytimes and performances get.

– Sometimes small voices of hate appear, but all the voices of love are so many more. Love flows in. People need joy, glitz, glamour, community and participation. The few negative voices that exist are drowning in this wave of love. We will never give up, he says.

Watch the gang talk more about the storytimes in the player above.
