Draco Malfoy becomes the savior of the world

Draco Malfoy becomes the savior of the world

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2 there is a big showdown between Harry and Voldemort at Hogwarts after 8 films. In the end, good triumphs over evil and the boy who survived destroys the Dark Lord. But apparently one also became An alternative version of the Harry Potter ending was filmed, in which Harry’s arch-enemy Draco Malfoy, of all people, helps him to victory. Tom Felton describes his amazing world-saving moment.

Wand Throw: Draco Malfoy saves Harry Potter and with it the world

In his autobiographical book Beyond Magic *, Draco actor Tom Felton describes his coming of age in the film world and, with many anecdotes, places a strong focus on the filming of the Harry Potter films. In the 23rd chapter of the magician biography, the star makes a startling revelation: Apparently There was a version where Draco saves the wizarding world by siding with Harry:


Harry Potter 7.2: Tom Felton saves Harry as Draco’s arch-enemy

We filmed the final scene of the Battle of Hogwarts. […] I’ve never been on a single set for so long. It was such an important scene that they wanted to shoot it in every way possible to give the eight films the climax they deserved. And so there were many aspects that didn’t end up in the finished film – including a moment when Draco throws his wand to Harry for the final duel with Voldemort. Imagine that! There are somewhere a film reel showing Draco saving everyone, but no one will ever see them.

In the version of the 8th Harry Potter film we know, Draco lets his parents wave him over to Voldemort’s (Ralph Fiennes) side – including an uncomfortable hug from the Dark Lord. The Malfoy family then retreats from the fight. Even though Harry’s (Daniel Radcliffe) longtime Hogwarts nemesis developed into a more three-dimensional character in the final films and didn’t kill Dumbledore, he was far from a hero. That’s probably why the scene fell victim to the editing: because it too far removed from Draco’s character would have.

We won’t find out for just over ten years whether the upcoming Harry Potter series will give Draco Malfoy a clearer arc of development toward forgiveness in the finale. At least a rough idea of ​​it what the alternative Harry Potter ending would have looked like, but you can get it in the following deleted scene, where Tom Felton as Draco shouts “Potter!” before Voldemort runs towards his old rival:

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