DPO: how to calculate them for pregnancy?

DPO how to calculate them for pregnancy

Knowing your DPO, “Day Post Ovulation” in English, is useful for women with a desire for pregnancy. How to calculate it? How many DPO is a positive pregnancy test? What about IVF? The explanations of Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist.

What does the abbreviation DPO stand for?

The abbreviation DPO stands for “Day Post Ovulation”, or “days after ovulation”. In other words, it is the number of days elapsed since ovulation where a pregnancy may have started.. “The DPO is another way of talking about the cycle, instead of talking about weeks or days ofamenorrhea, we speak in DPO. For example, on the 21st day of the cycle, we will be 7 days from DPO. This abbreviation is not used in the usual medical environment “explains Odile Bagot.

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To calculate your DPO, you need to know your ovulation day. In a 28-day cycle, this takes place on D14. Pregnancy begins on day 1. At DPO 8, implantation takes place. At DPO 14 the delay of menstruation takes place. At DPO 21, a week late period. It is true that, when we do not have 28-day cycles, it can be interesting to know the date of ovulation if you want to get pregnant.

To calculate the DPO after IVF, it must be based on the day of the puncture which corresponds to the day of ovulation. D1 post puncture corresponds to 1 DPO, D2 to 2 DPO and so on.

How many DPO is the pregnancy test positive?

A blood pregnancy test could already be positive at DPO 10, i.e. 4 days before the missed period. A urine test can be positive from the 4th day of late period “, says the gynecologist.

What symptoms at 3, 5, 10 DPO?

The only way to know if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test as soon as your period is late. The signs of pregnancy can appear very early in some women with, for example, unusual breast tension even before the delay in menstruation. They usually include an increase in breast sizemore frequent urination nausea, change in appetite (more gluttony or on the contrary, disgust with food), constipation, bloatingfatigue and irritability, irresistible desire to sleep.

Thanks to Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist, author of Endocrine Disruptors, war is declared! at Mango editions. Every week, she enriches her Mam Gyneco FB page with a new article or video.
