Dozens of reports about abuses in care for the elderly in Kramfors

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Lex Sarah – means that the staff in certain businesses are obliged to report wrongdoing. This applies, among other things, to care for the elderly and care for people with disabilities. The risk of misconduct must also be reported.

What should be reported?

– Physical abuse, for example hitting, pinching, shaking or the staff being harsh.

– Psychological abuse, such as punishment, threats, harassment or abuse.

– Sexual abuse or sexual harassment, for example hints of a sexual nature.

– Financial abuse, for example theft, embezzlement or extortion.

The deficiencies can also concern other things, such as a person not getting enough to eat and drink or not getting enough help to stay clean. It can also be about a lack of supervision.

Disrespectful treatment must also be reported according to lex Sarah

The provisions on lex Sarah are found in the Social Services Act and in the Act on support and services for certain disabled people.

The aim is to remedy shortcomings in one’s own operations and prevent similar malpractices from occurring again.

Lex Sarah applies regardless of whether the staff work in public activities, at private companies or companies that work on behalf of a municipality.

Lex Maria – The care provider must investigate and report events that have caused or could have caused a serious injury to the Care Inspectorate (IVO). This rule is called lex Maria.

The purpose of the investigation is to clarify as far as possible the course of events and which factors influenced it, as well as to provide a basis for decisions on measures that must have the purpose of preventing similar events from occurring again, or to limit the effects of such events if they do not completely can be prevented.

IVO’s responsibility regarding notifications according to lex Maria is to review the healthcare provider’s investigation. If IVO assesses that the care provider’s investigation complies with current regulations, IVO closes the case.

source: Vårdguiden “This is how care works” and IVO
