dozens of minors received in court

dozens of minors received in court

In Guinea, the demonstrations of last week to the call of the FNDC against “ unilateral transition management by the junta were accompanied by numerous arrests. About a hundred people were arrested between Thursday and until Monday. The special children’s court has notably received dozens of minors.

With our correspondent in Conakry, Mouctar Bah

No less than 34 minors were arrested during the demonstrations last weekend. Among them, five are under 13, according to Mohamed Diawara, the special prosecutor at the juvenile court.

The prosecution has not instituted proceedings against these five teenagers in accordance with the children’s code which prohibits it.

On the other hand, the special prosecutor’s office decided to prosecute the 29 others by opening a judicial investigation for ” mob and destruction of public and private property “.

The special prosecution asks parents to assume their responsibility during periods of demonstrations. The prosecutor deplores a delinquency intelligently organized by the yardstick of which minors are exploited in his words.

As a reminder, after these demonstrations, during which five people died, two FNDC officialsthe coordinator of the movement Oumar Sylla alias Foniké Mangué and Ibrahima Diallo, the head of operations as well as Saïkou Yaya Barry, the executive secretary of the union of republican forces of former Prime Minister Sidya Touré were arrested and imprisoned in prison civilian of Conakry.

Read also: Guinea: “The junta is playing the clock to stay in power as long as possible”
