Dozens of firefighters are going from Finland to Greece to fight wildfires

Dozens of firefighters are going from Finland to Greece to

Greece already prepared in advance for possible wildfires with an international request for help.

Dozens of firefighters are leaving from Finland to assist in extinguishing wildfires in Greece, says Pelastustoimi. The first group of Finnish rescuers will leave for Greece at the beginning of August.

A total of around 50 Finns from permanent and volunteer fire departments will go to Greece. The management of the Finnish delegation, rescue director Peter Johansson and fire marshal Petri Lyttinencome from the Itä-Uusimaa rescue service.

– Personnel from the Kymenlaakso, Etelä Karelia, Pohjois Karelia, Etelä Savo and Pohjois Savo fire departments participate in the extinguishing work. We are also responsible for communication between the authorities, says fire chief Lyttinen in the press release.

The Finns are preparing for a new terrain

Finnish groups work in Greece for two weeks at a time. There is a shift change in mid-August.

– It can be up to 40 degrees in Greece, and the terrain is also different from what we are used to in Finland, Lyttinen says about the challenges that Finns should be prepared for.

Almost 130,000 hectares of land burned in Greece last year. In order to combat a new disaster, Greece asked for international help to extinguish wildfires in advance. In addition to Finland, many other European countries have responded to the request for help.

According to the rescue operation, the European Union finances the mission, while Greece is responsible for, for example, accommodation and food for the firefighters.
