Dozens injured and at least one killed in Germany after a powerful storm hits the west of the country – video shows wind power

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According to the German weather service, three thrombi hit the state of North Rhine-Westphalia on Friday.

One person was killed and dozens injured in Germany after a severe storm and thrombs hit the country on Friday night.

The death occurred in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The man died after receiving an electric shock as he went into his flooded basement, Koblenz city police said.

Three thrombi milled the ground

Thrombi were registered in Paderborn, Lippstadt and the towns of Höxter.

In Paderborn, more than 40 people were injured as a thrombus passed through the city center on Friday afternoon. Thirteen of them were seriously injured, the mayor says Michael Dreier news agency for AP.

According to Dreier, the thromb left a ravine about 300 feet wide behind: traffic lights and trees slammed “like matches,” storm winds tore off roofs, and broken windows.

Further south, Bavarian authorities said 14 people were injured when a wooden building collapsed on Lake Brombach south of Nuremberg.

Extreme weather was sweating in Spain

In Spain, on the other hand, sweating was unusually high on Saturday compared to late spring. Hot and dry air masses also carried dust from North Africa.

Mercury rose to 42.3 degrees Celsius in Andújar, southern Andalusia, on Friday afternoon. Already on Thursday, the mercury rose to close to 40 degrees.

At least 13 areas in Spain were on alert on Saturday due to the heat, the Spanish National Meteorological Agency AEMET said.

Severe temperatures are predicted to cause storms.
