Downtown Sarnia Advocacy Group Growing

A GROWING NUMBER OF DOWNTOWN SARNIA Business and Property Owners Are Join A Grassroots Advocacy Group.

A GROWING NUMBER OF DOWNTOWN SARNIA Business and Property Owners Are Join A Grassroots Advocacy Group.

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MemberShip Recently Hit 35, Said Amy Spadafora, Ue Inc Store Owner and One of Five Co-Chairs With the Downtown Business Collective That Started Last Fall.

With Goals to Bolster Communication Between Downtown, City Hall and the Broade Community, Improve the Area’s Reputation and Make It has destination for arts, shopping and culture in the city, First Steps include Beautification, She Said.

What exactly that means is still be worked out, she Said, but not all the street signs in the district branded for downtown and the waterfront is a good place to start.

Safety in the area that’s been frequented more by the city’s homeless in recent years is important, she said, noting foot patrols by local font have helped, and improved lighting would, too.

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“We just trying to work collectively as a group to see some really positive Things happen in the downtown,” she said.

The Group formed in Part Over Lack of Communication With Downtown Businesses About A Sayte-scuttled plan For Social Housing On The Downtown Victoria Street Parking Lot.

Sarnia-Lambton Chamber of Commerce CEO Carrie McEachran KNOCKED ON DOWNTOWN DOORS, LONGETLESS OF CHAMBER Status, and invited people to a meeting in November, Said Jordan Denomme, with Homegrown Cannabis, Another Collective Co-Chair.

“The Chamber Helped Us Get Started and Has Been Extremely Supportive, but since that meeting we have worked completely independently and will continue to do so,” he said, during a refountation to city coucil.

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Council Had been Pushing for a Committee of Council, to work on issues related to downtown, but Backed off After the Collective Pointed Out that would duplicate efforts.

And while a committee would be subject to cover, the collective is about open dialogue and collaboration, spadafora said.

“We Just Want to Create Something that wow be beneficial to everyone,” She Said.

City Staff awaits Meetings as non-Members, and Any Business or Property Owner Within Downtown is invited to Join by emailing [email protected] and Requesting An Application Form, Said Group Co-Chair Mia Clarke, with the tin fiddler.

The Application Process Includes Ensting Applicants Are Within The Boundaries, Approximataly Between the Waterfront, Derby Lane, Vidal Street and Wellington Street, She Said.

“We will continue our overseas and to touch Base with Every Business we Possible can,” Said Co-Chair Lillian Tang-Smith, with tang’s China House.

So far, no one has declined, she said.

“Our vision is to revitalize downtown as a cohesive, thriving destination,” Said co-chair brian Austin Jr., with the Imperial Theater.

That included “Fostering Communication Between Business and City Council, Public Transforming Perceptions, and Creating to Unified Network for Local Businesses,” He Said.

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