Down syndrome day: date 2023, mismatched socks, why?

Down syndrome day date 2023 mismatched socks why

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 is dedicated to World Trisomy 21 Day. The opportunity to raise public awareness of this chromosomal anomaly which affects 27,000 newborns each year. How to mobilize? Take part in the mismatched sock challenge?

the tuesday March 21st 2023 is devoted to Trisomy 21also called “Down’s Syndrome” which affects 27,000 newborns per year, according to the Institut de Veille Sanitaire (InVS). It is not an illness. Down syndrome (or trisomy 21) corresponds to agenetic chromosomal abnormality (specifically, on the pair of chromosome number 21people with this syndrome have an extra chromosome), which typically causes varying degrees of intellectual and physical impairment and associated medical problems. To what date is World Down Syndrome Day held? What is the challenge of mismatched socks to celebrate diversity? What actions are organized in 2023?

When is World Down Syndrome Day in 2023?

In a nod to its name, Trisomy 21 is “celebrated” every year on March 21. This year, it therefore falls on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.

What is the origin of World Down Syndrome Day?

In December 2011the General Assembly of the United Nations decides to proclaim March 21th such as World Down Syndrome Day. a resolution adopted on December 19, 2011she invitesall Member States, relevant bodies of the United Nations system and other international organizations, as well as civil society (including non-governmental organizations and the private sector) to properly observe the Day, in order to raise awareness public opinion on this issue“. From 2012this syndrome is thus honored every year on the occasion of an Awareness Day orchestrated by theAssociation Down Syndrome International and widely followed by all the associations concerned, including Trisomy 21 France. “This campaign is linked to the Down Syndrome International campaign, because it’s a global issue : to provide the means for a society which includes all the people who make it up, that is to say which does not exclude any of them. For this, it is essential to allow universal accessibility for all people with disabilities (school, leisure, work, public services, places of life and culture, etc.) to allow the people concerned to be able to take part like the others.“, announces Nathanaël Raballand, President of Trisomie 21 France.

What is the mismatched sock challenge?

Imagined by the Association Down Syndrome International and popularized in France by the Association Trisomy 21 France, the challenge consisting in carrying on March 21 mismatched socks promotes diversity and difference. Because “all different, but all included, that’s normal, isn’t it?“, proclaims loud and clear Trisomie 21 France. This symbolic challenge allows each of us, at our level, to be an actor in this mobilization and to participate in a more inclusive society. Concretely, on March 21, you must:

  • Put some mismatched socks (two colors or two different patterns)
  • Take a picture of his feet
  • Share it on social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using hashtags #Socksbattle4DS #MismatchedSocks
  • Invite friends and relatives to do the same!

What is the poster for Down Syndrome Day?

Poster World Down Syndrome Day 2022
Poster World Down Syndrome Day 2022 © Trisomy 21 France

What are the actions for Down Syndrome Day?

Trisomy 21 France organizes various actions throughout the month of March, in partnership with the association Down Syndrome Internationale (DSI) and the European association for the support of people with trisomy 21 (Edsa). to raise awareness of inclusive society in order to encourage everyone to take action. Among the key events that took place on this awareness day:

  • A call launched on social networks to encourage everyone to express in video what an inclusive society means to them and to financially support our actions.
  • Workshop-debates and testimonials to imagine a more inclusive society together
  • Numerous events organized by regional associations and local Trisomie 21 France services

Sources: Website of the Down Syndrome International Association / Association Trisomie 21 France / / United Nations.
