doValue, new €300 million mandate for sub-performing loans

doValue new E300 million mandate for sub performing loans

(Telestock) – doValue announces that it will increase its assets under management thanks to the Transfer of UTP credit portfolios and a stage 2 component for a gross book value of 300 million euros.

The contributions will be executed by three leading Italian banks in the Efesto Fund managed by Finint Investments where doNext (a wholly owned subsidiary of doValue) acts as the sole and exclusive servicer.

The mentioned portfolios are mainly made up of psecured and/or guaranteed positions by Mediocredito Centralewith a significant component of stage 3 credits of very recent vintage (classified as stage 2 at the time of valuation).

This is a transfer that strengthens the path of expansion and diversification of assets managed undertaken by doValue with the 2024-2026 plan which includes a growth in asset classes other than non-performing loans.

doNext will manage in its role as service providerr the assigned positions in order to safeguard the debtors’ business continuity and the value of the underlying real estate assets.
