(Finance) – The Board of Directors of duethe main provider in southern Europe of strategic financial services, of real estate management
and of value -added services, has approved The financial statements project 2024which will be submitted to the approval of the shareholders’ meeting, as well as the drafting of the consolidated annual financial report relating to the financial year closed on 31 December 2024.
The results 2024, already anticipated to the market, they are positioned In the upper part of the Guidance And they reflect a solid operational execution also on a stand-alone basis. THE gross revenues equal to 479 million euros and show stable performance compared to 2023 (-0.4%). Ebitda Ex Nri is equal to 165 million (-7.8% compared to 2023), it is positioned in the upper part of the guidance. Net profit excluded non -recurring elementswas equal to 7 millionmarking a growth of 5 million compared to 2023.
The Gross Book Value has reached the 136 billiongrowing compared to 116 billion at the end of 2023, thanks to the strong commercial performance and the Success of Gardant’s acquisition. The growth of the New Business has exceeded expectations, with 5.6 billion new mandates and 4.3 billion for Forward Flow, exceeding the goal of 8 billion for 2024.
The Board of Directors also has The balance of the DEPALUPPO DEVALUE SPA for the year 2024 is approvedwhich closes with a result of the periodnet of taxes and excluding non -recurring elements, equal to (61.3) million (5.4 million in 2023).