Dosage of selenium: why, high or low rate, what to do?

Dosage of selenium why high or low rate what to

Selenium is an essential mineral that is needed in small amounts for the optimal functioning of the body. However, high or low levels of selenium in the body can have negative health effects.

What is selenium used for?

Selenium is a essential trace element for the human body. “It is present in small amounts in foods and nutritional supplementsexplains Dr. Florian Scherrer, medical biologist. It plays an important role in several body functions. Selenium, for example, helps to prevent oxidative damage in cells, which can be caused by free radicals produced during normal metabolism, as well as environmental factors such as pollution and radiation. “It is also necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones and for the normal operation of the immune systemin particular by helping to reduce inflammation. Selenium can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease protecting against inflammation and improving endothelial function“. Finally, selenium can help support reproductive health in menare.
Remember that the amount of selenium a person needs depends on several factors, including age, gender, weight and general health.“.

When to measure selenium?

Blood selenium testing may be recommended for some people at high risk of selenium deficiency or overdose. “This may include people who follow a restrictive diet or who have intestinal malabsorption, like people with celiac disease or Crohn’s disease, says the doctor. Tjust like the people who suffer kidney dialysis, because selenium is eliminated by the kidneys”. A selenium assay may also concern people with chronic diseases, such as HIV, cancer or cardiovascular disease, which may require high levels of selenium. Finally, a dosage may be requested for people who take selenium supplements or who regularly consume selenium-rich foods, as excess selenium can cause health problems.
Selenium levels in the blood can be measured by a blood test called a “selenometry assay”“.Il does not require fasting.

High selenium levels: why?

There are several factors that can cause high selenium levels in the body. “For example, excessive consumption of selenium supplements or selenium-rich foods such as Brazil nuts, fish, meat and eggs. The environment can also be involved. “High levels of selenium may be present in water and soil in certain geographic regions, which can lead to increased exposure to selenium“. People working in the mining industry or fertilizer production plants may also be exposed to high levels of selenium. “High selenium levels can cause health problems such as gastrointestinal disorders, skin problems, nerve disorders, and nail and hair abnormalities. It is therefore important not to exceed the recommended daily intake of selenium and to speak to a healthcare professional before taking selenium supplements.

Low selenium levels: why?

A low level of selenium in the body can be explained by several factors. “The first is a selenium deficient dietanswers the biologist. If a person does not eat enough selenium-rich foods (Brazil nuts, fish/seafood, meat, eggs, and some vegetables), they are at risk of suffer from selenium deficiency. This may be particularly more common in people who follow a restrictive, vegan or vegetarian diet.“. Other cause: intestinal diseases, such as the Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, which can lead to malabsorption of nutrients, including selenium. Selenium is eliminated by the kidneys, soKidney failure can also lead to a buildup of selenium in the body.Finally, pregnant and breastfeeding women need high levels of selenium, so deficiency can occur if selenium levels are not sufficient in the diet“.

Price and reimbursement of a blood test to measure selenium

“In general, the cost of a blood test to measure selenium is around 40 euros“, concludes our expert. The dosage of selenium is on the list of non-nomenclature biology acts. It is therefore not covered by Social Security.. Some health insurance companies can provide reimbursement.

Thanks to Dr. Florian Scherrer, Synlab France Quality Director and medical biologist at Synlab Barla Laboratory in Nice.
