Norfolk OPP are reminding motorists to not “veer for deer” while driving.
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“If a deer unexpectedly crosses your path, maintain control of your vehicle, minimize your speed as much as possible and, above all, refrain from swerving,” Const. Andrew Gamble, of the Norfolk OPP, said in a statement released Thursday. “Avoid making sudden maneuvers for the deer.
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“Instead, gently apply the brakes while staying in your lane.”
Gamble said quick changes in direction increase the chances of losing control, veering off the road and potential roll-overs resulting in severe injuries and extensive damage to vehicles.
The advisory from Norfolk OPP comes as officers investigate deer-vehicle collisions.
Provincial police are encouraging motorists to be aware of their entire surroundings because deer frequently dart across the road from ditches, streams and woodlots.
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If one deer is spotted look for others because they often travel in herds, Gamble said.
Motorists should watch for deer crossing signs and be extra cautious in those areas. As well, motorists can switch to high beams to increase visibility in certain circumstances.
Gamble said the risk of deer-vehicle collisions increases during the one-and-a-half hours of sunrise and sunset.
“While there are often warning signs in areas frequented by deer, it’s crucial for drivers to remain vigilant regardless of their location,” Gamble said. “Deer movement is not confined to rural roads; these animals can also venture onto busy urban streets, emphasizing the need for constant vigilance.”
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