Don’t make the mistake of throwing it away! With the remaining tea in the pot…

Dont make the mistake of throwing it away With the

Tea left in the teapot has incredible benefits. Try it once and you will never throw away the tea left in the teapot again.


Applying used, wet tea bags left in the teapot to the burned area of ​​the skin will help relieve your pain. You can use it to marinate your meat.

Brew 4 tablespoons of tea with warm water for 5 minutes. After straining the demi, mix the tea with ½ cup of brown sugar and keep it aside until the sugar dissolves. In the meantime, place the meat in the container you will cook with onions, garlic and spices according to your preference. After pouring the tea mixture you prepared on it, put it in the oven that you preheated in this way. Red meat will be soft like Turkish delight thanks to the tea.


Soak your feet in warm water mixed with well-brewed tea for 20 minutes and get rid of foot odor.


If you have a bleeding gum problem, or if you feel pain during the healing process after tooth extraction, apply a tea bag moistened with cold water to the painful area. It stops both bleeding and pain.


Soak 2 tea bags in warm water, or you can use the tea bags you drink if it hasn’t been too long. Leave the tea bags over your eyes for 20 minutes. The tannin substance in the tea will reduce the swelling in your eyes.

Goodbye to WHITE HAIR

For your hair to return to its natural color; Brew 3 tea bags in a glass of water. Add 1 tablespoon each of fresh or dried sage and rosemary to the tea. Leave it like this for 1 day. After washing your hair with shampoo, apply this mixture and wrap it in a towel without rinsing. Repeat this application several times for the tea to return the white hair to its natural color.



The only thing you need to do for the plants we grow in pots to grow faster and grow healthier; pouring the tea into the bottom of the pot!


To brighten your mirrors, you can dilute the remaining tea brew with cold water and use it. It polishes mirrors as well as wood cleaning.


Freshly brewed tea is an excellent product for cleaning wooden furniture and floors. Leave the tea bags you brew and drink in the floor cleaning bucket. Then wipe the dust of your furniture with a soft cloth dipped in this bucket. In the same way, clean your parquets with this water. You will witness the shine of wooden surfaces and parquet.
