Don’t like omnipresent green in WhatsApp? Good news, instant messaging will soon allow you to personalize its interface with five colors to choose from. Useful to adapt the app to your tastes!

Dont like omnipresent green in WhatsApp Good news instant messaging

Don’t like omnipresent green in WhatsApp? Good news, instant messaging will soon allow you to personalize its interface with five colors to choose from. Useful to adapt the app to your tastes!

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging services, which is hardly surprising given its efficient interface, the great security it offers – messages are end-to-end encrypted – and the many functions it offers and keeps adding. However, there is one point where WhatsApp lags behind its competitors: personalization. Indeed, there are few options for modifying the messaging interface. It is only possible to choose between dark or light mode, and to replace the chat background with an image or photo. In short, it is impossible to change the colors of bubbles, icons or tab bars. No wonder some users turn to third-party applications, which are more flexible and permissive!

But it’s time for change! Last October, instant messaging was working on a new interface, released in a beta version of the application, with new colors and new icons. The update notably brought a touch of modernity to the application interface thanks to redesigned icons, modified colors, moved buttons, and even filters for discussions. It notably included a new shade of green.

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But this new color is far from having pleased everyone! If this is also your case or if you are simply allergic to green, good news for you! It seems that Meta, the parent company of instant messaging, is working on giving you more customization. Indeed, the specialized site WABetaInfo discovered in a recent beta – an unfinalized test version – a new theme customization function, planned to be published to the general public in a future update! According to these experts’ observations, you will soon be able to choose to change the main color of WhatsApp with five different shades to choose from: green, blue, black (or white if the application is in dark mode), pink and purple.

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By integrating customization features, WhatsApp not only responds to critics of the new interface, but also aligns with the general trend in instant messaging, which is to give us ever more control over the application interface. And this is a very good thing, especially for people with visual impairments or who need a specific color for greater personal visual comfort. There is no doubt that the possibility of changing the main color of the theme will make the application much more user-friendly and comfortable!

This new feature is still under development, but it should be available to everyone, on both iOS and Android, in a future update. Note that certain elements in the latest beta version of the app suggest to our colleagues that Meta could intend to further extend this customization function by also allowing the color of the bubble to be changed. Better and better !
