Don’t just ignore a simple insect bite! It causes inflammation of the connective tissue that affects the entire leg.

Dr. Tetik stated that people are more exposed to insects and pests in the summer months due to looser and more revealing clothing and more frequent visits to parks and the sea. He said, “If the redness in the bitten area increases and progresses in the following hours, a doctor should be consulted.”

Stating that he has witnessed very serious injuries resulting from insect bites in recent years, Trigger said, “Although these may be perceived as a simple fly at first, they can later lead to serious edema and even inflammation of the connective tissue affecting the entire leg.”

For this reason, Dr. Ünal Tetik stated that they have recently encountered situations that may end up in intensive care, with simple conditions that look like insect bites, and said, “Since insects change over time, the enzymes and toxins they possess differ and can cause different effects on people.”


Stating that the bitten area should be cleaned well after insect bites, Tetik said, “Because our skin is a layer that protects us against infections, when this layer is damaged, germs can enter from many places and cause serious infections in this area. One of the most important of these is the insect bites we encounter in the summer months.”

Stating that when tissue integrity is disrupted, the body becomes open to infection, Dr. Ünal Tetik said, “That area must be cleaned with cologne or an antiseptic solution if you have one.”


Dr. Tetik, who stated that they also encounter snakebites and poisoning cases along with the very hot summer months, said, “We also encounter more scorpion stings in Eskişehir compared to the past. In case of a snake or scorpion bite, the nearest health institution should be consulted without delay.”

This content was published by Nilgün Akbıyık
