Don’t give the world’s money for sunscreens when you have the most natural ones! Here are affordable sunscreen effective natural oils

Dont give the worlds money for sunscreens when you have

Protecting the skin from harmful sun rays prevents staining, wrinkles, dryness and many accompanying problems, especially skin cancer. In fact, sunscreens, which should be used in all seasons, are becoming more popular with the arrival of hot days.

High SPF and sunscreens that you can use according to your skin type create reservations for some because they do not contain clean ingredients. To protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun, you do not need to use products that contain a lot of chemicals. You can also choose dazzling natural oils with their sunscreen SPF ratio and moisturizing feature. We have listed alternative oils that you can use instead of sunscreen as a more economical and healthier option…


Carrot oil, which stands out with its special aroma and vitamin storage feature, not only protects from sun rays, but also adds a pleasant tan and scent to your skin.

Carrot oil, which is a good antioxidant for the skin thanks to the carotene and vitamin A in it, is one of the most effective oils that protect from the sun.

Raspberry Oil

If you want protection against sun rays with a factor of 50, raspberry oil will be a good choice. This very durable oil is also an effective skin regenerator because it is rich in vitamin E.



Wheat oil, which has cell regenerative properties, is used for burns, skin blemishes, wrinkles, scalp care and hair problems thanks to this feature.


Wheat oil, which is lighter and odorless, has a protection effect with a factor of 20.


Olive oil protects the skin from all harmful sun rays, nourishes and softens the skin and prevents premature aging of the skin.



The harmful UV rays of the sun can cause many problems on your skin. Jojoba oil is a natural protective care product that can be used as an alternative to sunscreen creams. It is also used in the treatment of sunburns.
