Don’t get cancer while shopping! 3 vital rules you need to pay attention to

Dont get cancer while shopping 3 vital rules you need

Toxin accumulation causes diseases. Particular attention should be paid to products made with harmful substances. Using too many bags is also a big risk. When you put the food in the bag in direct contact in the markets, there is a transition again. It is healthier to use cloth bags.


Although some plastic containers are sold under different names in the market, they are plastic after all. They are preferred because they are covered, do not break, and keep them fresh. Teflons are also very dangerous, especially when they are scratched, very harmful chemicals are released and they are endocrine disruptors.


As far as possible, we can start by choosing foods that do not come into contact with plastics, where we prefer. For example, instead of oils in cans or plastic bottles, we may prefer oils stored in glass bottles, as well as milk and water preserved in glass.
