Don’t eat! 5 dangerous foods that raise blood sugar

Dont eat 5 dangerous foods that raise blood sugar

Diabetes patients need to keep their blood sugars in balance throughout their lives in order to maintain their health. An unhealthy diet causes many diseases as well as raising blood sugar. Some foods that we love to consume threaten our health. Elevated blood sugar levels cause nerve and kidney damage over time. Especially Type 2 diabetes patients need to pay extra attention to their diet.



During digestion, sugars (simple carbohydrates) and starches (complex carbohydrates) are converted into blood sugar. “High glycemic index foods like white bread are digested quickly and cause significant fluctuations in blood sugar,” explains Health Harvard. The health site added: “Low glycemic index foods like whole oats are digested more slowly and cause a more gradual rise in blood sugar.”

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Yogurts are highly recommended for those looking to lower their blood sugar, but flavored options should be avoided. These contain added sugars, which will inevitably affect glucose levels. Instead, you can choose yogurts that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

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Coffee are healthy options alongside yogurt, but again, when flavored, they have a significant amount of sugar in them. Liquid sugar can cause spikes in blood sugar, and added calories can contribute to weight gain. Flavored coffee is made by adding natural or synthetic flavoring oils to coffee beans. Coffee beans are coated with these compounds to enhance flavor. These flavored coffees wreak havoc on blood sugar levels.


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Packaged snacks are secretly making you unhealthy, health experts warn. Important factors to consider when choosing snacks include:

  • Contains at least 4g of protein or 4g of fiber
  • Contains some kind of plant-based oil source
  • Made from whole grains
  • Has a low glycemic index
  • Made of quality materials
  • Low in sugar and carbohydrates

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“Fruit juice is high in a form of sugar called fructose,” says
“Fructose needs to be processed by the liver, and research shows that a diet high in fructose can overload the liver.”
One glass of unprocessed orange juice contains about 26 grams of carbohydrates, of which about 21 grams are sugar.
