Don’t do this bad thing to yourself: Don’t try to consume chicken and milk at the same time.

Dont do this bad thing to yourself Dont try to

It happens that people usually consume milk right after or with a meal. After a meal with chicken as the main dish, milky desserts can be preferred. However, experts do not support the combination or cascading of dairy products with chicken products.

Consuming chicken and dairy products together or consecutively can cause various health problems, from digestive problems to skin problems. Especially if you’re experiencing skin problems, it’s probably time to reconsider what you’re consuming.



The digestion of milk is different from chicken, which is rich in protein. Therefore, eating milk and chicken can cause toxins to form and accumulate in the body. On the other hand, the digestion of chicken dishes can strain the digestive system in some people. The release of stomach acids can put a serious strain on the digestive process.


You may experience stomach pain, nausea, indigestion, gas, bloating, ulcers, bad odor, constipation, acid reflux and even skin diseases. Experts recommend consuming chicken and dairy products separately, two hours apart, instead of consuming them together.
