Don’t do it! It can cause your death

Dont do it It can cause your death

Although digital screens make our lives easier, they can become addictive. Looking at the phone, tablet, television for a long time affects health to a great extent. Experts warn that exposure to too much blue light can disrupt the clockwork of many internal body processes, thus causing long-term harm. A study of fruit flies found that flies exposed to limited light lived longer than others.


Since the eyes are turned outward, immune responses are more active, but excessive activity can cause inflammation. One expert warns that excessive use of cell phones and other devices can result in excessive light exposure that causes this inflammation. Researchers warn that exposure to too much light every day can have disastrous long-term consequences. A professor and nutritionist at the institute, Dr. “Looking at computer and phone screens and being exposed to light pollution until late at night are very disturbing conditions for the circadian clock. It impairs protection for the eye, and this can have consequences beyond just vision, it can damage the rest of the body and the brain,” said Pankaj Kapahi. said.



Researchers at the Buck Institute have found that although eye health affects almost every cell in the body, some trends may go in the opposite direction. “We always think of the eye as something that serves us, providing vision,” said Dr. “We don’t think this is something that needs to be preserved to protect the whole organism,” Kapahi adds.
