Don’t believe the legends! Watch out for the brain’s silent killers: Foods that may increase susceptibility to Alzheimer’s

Dont believe the legends Watch out for the brains silent

Acıbadem University Neurology Department Lecturer and Acıbadem Taksim Hospital Neurology Specialist Dr. Faculty Member Mustafa Seçkin “Scientific studies have shown that the susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease increases as a result of inflammation of the nerve tissues in the brain. “One of the main factors that causes this inflammation (chronic neuroinflammation) is malnutrition.” Dr. Lecturer Mustafa Seçkin talked about the prominent nutrients for a healthy brain and the factors called ‘silent killer’, and made important warnings and suggestions.

Did you know that the human brain, which works like a big factory and controls all the functions in our body, consists of more than 80 billion nerve cells (neurons). What if each neuron has multiple extensions (axons and dendrites) that look like sub-millimeter wires to communicate with other neurons? While the work of scientists on this complex and mysterious organ, which has numerous features that have not yet been unearthed, continues rapidly, Neurology Specialist Dr. Lecturer Mustafa Seçkin said, “The building blocks required for such a complex biological structure to function well cannot be obtained from one or two foods, and the diet and food supplements needed by each individual should be determined by considering age, gender, family history, diseases and even profession. Unless you support the right diet for brain health with regular exercise and a good sleep pattern, the benefit will be limited.


While the number of Alzheimer’s patients has increased in recent years in our country, one of the reasons for this increase is the move away from healthy eating habits and the tendency to industrial processed products and the increase in the use of pesticides (insecticide) in agricultural products. Mustafa Seçkin “The studies carried out in recent years; It has been shown that the susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease increases as a result of inflammation of the nerve tissues in the brain (chronic neuroinflammation), one of the main reasons for this is malnutrition.


While gluten is found in higher amounts in refined flours produced with genetically modified wheat, it is found in lower amounts in wheat types such as Siyez, Karakılçık and Kavılca produced in Anatolia, which is the homeland of wheat. Even without a diagnosis of celiac, it is recommended that individuals restrict gluten in their diets and consume unrefined flour produced from ancestral seeds, if possible.


Stating that the consumption of refined salt, sugar and flour, which are called “three whites”, are also considered as foods that increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Mustafa Seçkin “Nutrition should not be done only to provide ‘fuel’ to our brain and body. Just as the fumes containing the “by-products” of the combustion process in the stove in the houses heated with fossil fuels in winter, poison us by creating air pollution, it should not be forgotten that the bad foods we offer to our body can turn into poisons for our body and brain through the by-products that arise even if they satiate and “warm” us. warns.



The studies carried out; Saying that palm oil, oils found in processed dairy products and red meat, trans fats found in ready-made snacks and fried foods are quite harmful, Dr. Mustafa Seckin; He emphasizes that oils containing linoleic acid, such as corn oil, sunflower oil and canola oil, can also cause cell damage when cooked at high temperatures. Dr. Mustafa Seçkin “These molecules are also called ‘Silent Killer’. In addition, these harmful oils are used extensively in many products such as fried products, ready-made foods, potato chips, ready-made cakes, sugar-cocoa creams. Stating that the brains of Alzheimer’s patients are more “acidic” than healthy individuals, Dr. Mustafa Seçkin says that red meat, farm fish fed with unnatural feeds, grains, alcohol, carbonated and sugary drinks and energy drinks that will upset the body’s pH balance in favor of acidity should be avoided.



Pointing out that foods containing omega-3s such as seafood, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, chia seeds, avocados and purslane, especially cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, have been proven to have curative effects on Alzheimer’s disease and reduce forgetfulness. Mustafa Seçkin speaks as follows: “It is recommended to consume products such as seasonal vegetables and fruits, angling fish, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, garlic, onion, ginger and lemon. In order for nerve cells to perform their functions, foods containing vitamins E and D and vitamin B complex should be included in the daily diet, and should be taken as supplements when necessary, upon the recommendation of a physician.


Stating that the opinion of the society that ‘red wine has positive effects on Alzheimer’s disease’ is wrong, Dr. Mustafa Seçkin “The biochemical studies; It shows that the substance called resveratrol in red wine has antioxidant properties, but 500 to 2000 milligrams of resveratrol should be consumed per day for antioxidant effects to occur in the human body. Considering that there is less than one milligram of resveratrol in a glass of red wine, it is necessary to drink 50-100 bottles of wine a day in order to reach doses that will create enough antioxidant effects to protect against Alzheimer’s disease, which is not possible. Therefore, regular consumption of red wine has no scientifically proven benefit against Alzheimer’s disease. Neurologist Dr. Mustafa Seçkin says that while making diet planning, there should be personal arrangements, a single diet type cannot be beneficial for everyone, and useful foods specific to the geography can be added to the diet under the supervision of dietitians and, if necessary, clinicians.
