Don’t believe her innocent looks! The expert listed the deadly harms of the sandwich

Dont believe her innocent looks The expert listed the deadly

When it comes to the most practical tastes for breakfast, lunch, and night snacks, sandwiches made with different varieties come to mind first. Although sandwiches, which are consumed by everyone from seven to seventy, are loved for their practical preparation and keeping them full for a long time, nutritionists share that these sandwiches are almost a time bomb.

Professor of nutrition Ph.D. Lisa Young listed the harmful effects of the sandwiches you eat and stated that you can prepare a healthier sandwich when you change the following ingredients. “Don’t compromise on flavor in your sandwich,” Young told The Post. “Try replacing processed meats with grilled turkey or chicken and add some hummus or avocado for a creamy, flavorful twist.” she said.


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What makes a sandwich, of course, is the bread. But not all breads are healthy options, and white bread is a source of calories from carbohydrates, which can cause your blood sugar levels to spike, then drop, leaving you napping at noon. “It’s much healthier to include a whole-grain bread like whole wheat,” says Young. “Whole grains contain fiber, which helps you feel full, among other health benefits, like keeping your blood sugar stable.”


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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, sodium is one of the top contributors to high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke and is found in many sandwiches. While ham and salami are high in sodium in processed meats, they can also seep into your sandwich in the form of condiments, sauces, breads and cheeses. Try choosing fresh chicken or turkey breast or freshly sliced ​​steak to reduce your sodium intake.

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Saturated fat is found in cheese and meats, which are key ingredients in many sandwiches. In fact, 79% of sandwiches have meat, poultry or fish as their primary filler, according to the National Library of Medicine. You can drastically reduce the amount of saturated fat in your sandwich by replacing cheese with tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, and other fillings, and opting for lean fresh meats over processed meats.

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Sugar isn’t something most people sprinkle on a sandwich, but many of the additives and seasonings people put on their sandwiches contain refined sugar. Barbecue sauce, honey mustard, teriyaki sauce, and sweet condiment often contain surprising amounts of sugar, which adds empty calories to your sandwich. “It’s best to include the spices sparingly,” Young said. “Mustard is better than ketchup with added sugar. But mustard is high in sodium, so use a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon.


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Nitrates and nitrites are added to processed meats during the meat curing process. But in your gut, nitrates and nitrites “can create carcinogenic chemicals… which can contribute to cancer risk,” he said. He also added that “processed meats contain a lot of sodium and preservatives,” and advised consumers to avoid them as much as possible.
