Don’t be shy: there are millions who have the same problem! What is bacne? Why do back acne occur, how do they pass?

Dont be shy there are millions who have the same

Back acne bothers many people before the holidays. Even though we can’t see it ourselves, back acne can be caused by many reasons. Experts on back acne, called ‘Bacne’ (word play from the English words for bacteria, acne and back) in England, made a statement.

Many of those who deal with acne on the face will probably also be bothered by acne on their backs. It may seem like the easiest method to hide back acne under your clothes. In fact, it can make the situation worse.


Skin expert Nada Ward stated that back acne is common and it is normal because it is very difficult to take care of the skin. Many things can cause blackheads, acne and blemishes. Just like on our face, we have invisible sebaceous glands that produce sebum on our backs. Sebum buildup can clog pores, causing acne and blackheads. Not cleaning the back area regularly causes a buildup of dead or dry skin cells and can make it difficult for the skin to breathe.


Ward listed the factors that cause back acne as follows:

  • Genetic
  • Oily skin
  • wearing tight clothes
  • Backpack use
  • drug use
  • stay sweaty
  • Sugary and fatty foods


Nada Ward told people suffering from back acne to choose their clothes very carefully. “Clothes that are too tight don’t allow your skin to breathe, which can cause sweat and debris to build up in your pores. If you’re prone to acne, you should avoid wearing a backpack as well as wear loose-fitting clothing as it can have the same effect. Exercising regularly can also cause back acne, which is why Taking a shower after exercise is a good idea to clean the accumulated sweat and oil.
