Don’t be fooled by eye-catching stationery products! Cancer risk for children

Dont be fooled by eye catching stationery products Cancer risk for

The back-to-school rush has begun. A variety of stationery items on the shelves for school shopping await both parents and students. With the production technology developing day by day, all products from pencils to erasers, from notebooks to bags have become appealing to all ages with their different colors and shapes in order to appeal to the eye more. Warning about the chemical components used in the content of these eye-catching materials, Dr. Lecturer Hilal Kuday stated that in case of continuous use, it can cause both respiratory and reproductive problems and said, “There can be problems up to cancer diseases.”

Dr. Faculty Member Hilal Kuday, as a result of the researches, about the health problems that the chemicals in the content can cause; “There are specific regulations for these products. As a result of the researches carried out in products such as scented erasers, notebooks, pens, pencil holders, plastic drinkers and lunch boxes, it was determined that there were heavy metals such as toluene, acetophenone, benzaldehyde, polycyclic aromatic compounds, volatile organic compounds or lead and cadmium. It is not possible without chemicals, of course, it is necessary in production, but in the continuous use of these materials, health problems may occur over time in people who use these materials. Especially as a result of allergic reactions, skin sensitivities, eye irritation, and in long-term use, especially due to inhaling volatile organic compounds, problems such as headaches, respiratory tract diseases, reproductive problems and even cancer diseases can be seen in the first place.



Hilal Kuday also said that special attention should be paid to some components, “According to the Toy Safety Regulation prepared by the Ministry of Commerce, stationery materials should not contain some chemical compounds. For example, it should not contain compounds such as xylol, benzyl benzoate. However, some substances can be found in trace amounts during manufacturing, which will not cause sensitization. These include compounds such as D-limonene. The amounts determined for these are specified within the scope of the regulation. It can be preferred as long as the limits are followed.



Kuday, who also advises on what to pay attention to in order to choose the right products, said, “Generally, the content of the products is written on the packaging or label of the product. User instructions and manuals should be consulted. In addition, we should pay attention to the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE) and CE symbols on the products. Because the Ministry of Commerce controls the amount of chemicals in these products. The CE symbol is also a symbol that states that the European Union Standards are met. If there are these two symbols, we can buy that product more easily.”

Kuday also stated that products can be checked at ​​and detailed information can be found on the site for products that cannot be purchased.


Finally, Kuday reminded that more colorful and fragrant products may be more harmful to health, “In general, colored compounds contain azo dyestuffs. These are products containing nitro groups. They are also colorful and bright. In terms of fragrances, for example, it contains the allergic reaction substance benzaldehyde. When the trace amount is over, it causes an allergic reaction. In fact, if the carcinogenic substance of toluene is above the determined amounts, it can cause cancer directly. In general, chemical compounds are indispensable, but they have certain limits, if they do their stationery shopping by researching materials that comply with the regulations, they will have a comfortable and healthy education life. (UAV)
