Donations provide recreational opportunities for Ukrainian refugee families in Norfolk

Donations provide recreational opportunities for Ukrainian refugee families in Norfolk

A Port Dover woman is leading an effort to make a difference for area Ukrainian refugee families.

“I have been quietly seeking resources, funds, and assistance for several months,” said Jennifer Rodger, a teacher at Assumption College School in Brantford, who initially met a family that came to town. “We did some significant fundraising to help that family, and then realized with more families arriving we had the means to help them as well.”

After gathering donated furniture and household goods for Ukrainian families that settled in Norfolk County and the Brantford area, she turned her efforts toward financial assistance.

Rodger made a pitch to Norfolk’s 100 Men Who Give A Damn, and while not successful securing a donation from the group, two of its members stepped up.

Marc Vanden Bussche of Vanden Bussche Irrigation and Equipment Ltd. donated $10,000 and a second, anonymous donor made an equally significant contribution.


“I listened to Jennifer’s pitch. It’s a strong story and my heart’s in it,” said Vanden Bussche, whose company has customers in Ukraine and eastern Europe.

Vanden Bussche arrived at the Annaleise Carr Aquatic Center in Simcoe on Saturday morning to watch as 14 Ukrainian families with 22 children attended for the first of 10 weeks of free swimming lessons.

“I grew up in aquatics, was an aquatics instructor and lifeguard for many years and it’s passionate to me,” Rodger explained. “Living in Norfolk County with all our lakes and streams, I think it’s very important that all of our families and kids know how to swim.”

Andrii Maksymenko and his family settled in Simcoe five months ago and watched his five-year-old daughter Sofiia enjoying herself in the pool.

“It’s perfect. We really appreciate it,” he said. “The kids are very happy, and it’s an opportunity for them to meet and make new friends.”


He said his daughter is in senior kindergarten and is currently learning to speak English, a language he came to know working as a seaman on bulk carrier ships. He now works for a marine company.

Ohla Diletchuk and her two children came to Canada one year ago. They are living in Schafer House, a multi-unit residential building housed in a former tobacco research station in Delhi created by Mike and Sandy Kloepfer, owners of Titan Trailers where Diletchuk works.

“It’s wonderful and such a great opportunity,” she said of the free swimming lessons, adding that some families have three or four kids and can’t afford these types of activities.

“To meet other families and each other, for the kids, some don’t speak English so now they can communicate and have some fun.”


Rodger said other recreational programs are already in the works.

The Port Dover Yacht Club has paid for 11 children to take sailing lessons, while AFFA4KIDS – based out of St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Port Dover – has covered the cost for some gymnastics and horseback riding lessons.

She noted that AFFA4KIDS supports many Norfolk County children, and thus far is sponsoring 43 children in the county to go to summer activities.

To find out how you can help visit Rodger’s Facebook page Norfolk Support for Ukrainian Refugees.

Monetary donations can be made at with a note to direct the donation to the Norfolk Refugee Committee.


[email protected]


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