Donation from Donald Trump to his new rival Kamala Harris! The US is talking about these financial records: His daughter Ivanka also sent money

Donation from Donald Trump to his new rival Kamala Harris

The revelation that the Trump family has made multiple donations to their rival Kamala Harris has added a new dimension to the presidential race. According to news in the US press; Trump has donated to Kamala Harris twice to her campaigns for the California attorney general.


Financial records show Trump donated $5,000 to Harris in 2011 and $1,000 in 2013.

While Republican Party presidential candidate Trump’s donations to Harris’ campaign for California attorney general prior to his presidency have also become a trending topic on social media, experts say that Trump’s previous donations to the Democratic Party as a businessman are a normal occurrence.


It was also revealed that Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, donated $2,000 to Harris’ campaign in 2014.

On the other hand, The Sacramento Bee newspaper reported in 2020 that Harris donated the donations in question to a “human rights foundation” in 2015, when Trump announced his candidacy for the US presidency.


Following US President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the election race and his announcement that he supported Vice President Kamala Harris’ candidacy, Harris made a written statement on the subject, stating that she “intends to deserve and win the nomination.”


Harris thanked US President Biden for his leadership and said, “President Biden continues to do what he has done his entire life, selflessly and patriotically: He puts America and its people above all else.”

Harris emphasized that she was proud to have received the President’s approval and support, and said, “I intend to deserve and win the nomination.”

Stating that she will do her best to unite the Democratic Party and the country, Harris emphasized that she will “do everything in her power to defeat the extremist agenda of Donald Trump and the 2025 Project.”


Harris first made her name known after entering Congress with her reaction to the executive order banning travel to the United States from seven Muslim countries, which former US President Donald Trump signed on January 28, 2017, immediately after taking office.


Harris continued her questioning stance on Trump’s cabinet and senior appointments in 2017, and was elected to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2018. Harris also played an active role in the Senate investigations into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

In this context, Harris, who questioned Attorney General William Barr in the Senate regarding the “Mueller report” that was announced, made her name frequently mentioned in the media.

Harris also served on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Budget Committee, as well as the Judiciary Committee.

Following the presidential election held on November 3, 2020, Harris made history as the first black woman of Indian and Caribbean descent to become vice president in the country’s history.

(AA)This content was published by Hazar Gönüllü
