Donald Trump’s revenge: Biden’s family to be investigated

Donald Trumps revenge Bidens family to be investigated

Published: Less than 30 min ago

The Republicans will use their newly won majority to investigate Joe Biden.

The trump card against the president: Son Hunter.

– A desperate attempt to give Trump power again, the Democrats answer.

With the Republicans gaining a majority in the House of Representatives, the party now has a platform to investigate US President Joe Biden and his family. Something you have every intention of doing, reports CNN.

One of those who will be at the head of the investigations is the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, James Comer.

– This committee will evaluate Joe Biden’s relationship with his family’s foreign partner. And if he is a president who allows himself to be influenced or bought by foreign actors, says Comer.

full screen The Republicans will use their newly won majority to investigate Joe Biden. Photo: Andrew Harnik/AP


Comer puts extra emphasis on investigating the president’s son Hunter Biden, and the relationship between them. Comer’s task force is said to have spoken to whistleblowers who worked with Biden and who claim that they, among other things, went through Hunter Biden’s computer.

Ahead of the 2020 election, the computer made big headlines. The New York Post wrote about how it contained a twelve-minute clip of Hunter Biden taking drugs and having sex with an unknown woman.

The newspaper also wrote about allegations of business deals with an energy company in China in 2017. There, Hunter Biden would have received 100 million kroner from the company’s billionaire owner for “opening doors”.

The economy

According to Comer, they will target “suspicious” financial reports and transactions linked to Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden has previously sat on the board of a Ukrainian gas company, Burisma. A company where everything was not right according to former Ukrainian Attorney General Viktor Shokin.

full screen A desperate attempt to give Trump power again, the Democrats respond. Photo: Patrick Semansky/AP

Sjokin has said in retrospect, after he was ousted, that he had plans to investigate Burisma, which “included questioning and other criminal investigation processes with all board members, including Hunter Biden.”

But the prosecutor was fired before he could begin his interrogations, among other things after an ultimatum from Joe Biden.

On one of his many trips as vice president to Ukraine, in March 2016, Biden threatened to withdraw major loan guarantees from the United States.

– I said: I will go home in six hours, and if the attorney general is not fired by then, you will not get the money, Joe Biden said about the meeting.

full screen US President Joe Biden together with his son Hunter. Photo: AP/TT/NEWS AGENCY

“Desperate attempt”

The White House’s response to the intended investigation is damning. Ian Sams, a spokesman for the White House legal office, tells CNN that the whole thing is a politically motivated attack filled with already debunked conspiracy theories.

Nelly Decker is spokesperson for the Democrats in the House of Representatives Oversight Committee.

– Now that former President Trump is standing for election again, the Republicans’ first priority is to attack President Biden and his family. It is a desperate attempt to return power to Trump, she says in a statement.
