Donald Trump subpoenaed to testify before Congress for his role in the Capitol storming

The House of Inquiry into the Capitol Assault cited former Republican President Donald Trump on Friday, October 21, to appear “ on or around November 14 right after the midterm elections.

The members of the 6-January commission voted unanimously last week to summon the former president. On Friday, the body therefore cited Donald Trump to appear ” on or around November 14 “. The former Republican head of state will have to explain the events of January 6, 2021. That day, hundreds of supporters of Donald Trump had sown chaos at the headquarters of the American Congress, shouting a stolen election.

MPs believe they have evidence that the former president personally orchestrated and oversaw a campaign to change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election “. In addition to his testimony, Donald Trump is obliged to send a whole series of documents before November 4.


Last week, on learning of the commission’s desire to subpoena him, Donald Trump renewed his attacks on this investigation. A “ fiasco “, according to him. However, he did not say whether he would respond. The request is currently being examined by his lawyers.

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The seven elected Democrats and two Republicans who make up the January 6 commission have already questioned more than a thousand witnesses, including two children of Donald Trump. They peeled tens of thousands of documents but some relatives of the former president refuse to cooperate. His former adviser Steve Bannon has also been sentenced Friday to four months in prison for refusing to respond to his summons.

For the commission, it is necessary to act quickly. The midterm elections will be held in just over two weeks, on November 8, just before Donald Trump’s court date. And if the Democrats lose control of Congress, the new Republican majority could decide to dissolve the commission of inquiry.
