Donald Trump returns to Washington for the first time since leaving the White House

Donald Trump returns to Washington for the first time since

It is the first time he has returned to Washington since leaving the White House on Jan. 20 last year. Donald Trump is back this Tuesday, July 26 in the federal capital. He is scheduled to speak at an America First Policy Institute event. This think tank, managed by its allies, announces a speech of “political strategy”, while the former president could soon announce a new presidential candidacy of 2024

Eighteen months that he has not set foot in Washington, eighteen months during which Donald Trump has stabilized his grip on the Republican Party but also lost a few feathers.

His current, his style have been emulated: many candidates for the mid-term elections present themselves as his heirs and maintain that the 2020 election was stolen from him. However, not all have passed the dam of the primaries.

And while the announcement of a new candidacy for Donald Trump in 2024 would be imminent, a recent poll shows that almost half of Republican voters would prefer another name on the ballot. Some of his rivals are gaining ground: Mike Pence, his former vice-president, or Ron DeSantisGovernor of Florida.

► To read also: Sarah Palin returns to the political scene alongside Donald Trump

A long-awaited speech

His return to Washington also coincides with the first conclusions of a series of hearings by the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the assault on the Capitol.

► To read also: Capitol assault: Steve Bannon found guilty of obstructing the investigation

Even some influential conservative newspapers have distanced themselves. For the tabloid New York Postwho had nevertheless supported him in 2020, the billionaire is “ unworthy to be president again. ” The president who did not move on January 6 “, adds the Wall Street Journal.

There is no doubt that his speech on Tuesday will be very popular. Some Republican tenors would prefer that the announcement of his candidacy take place after November, so that the mid-term ballot does not turn into a referendum for or against Donald Trump.
