Donald Trump is being investigated – now wants to stop the FBI’s investigation

Donald Trump is being investigated now wants to stop

Published: Less than 20 min ago

Over 300 sensitive documents were found in Donald Trump’s residence during the FBI raid.

Now the ex-president is going to court to stop the police authority from investigating the documents.

“The burglary, search and seizure of Mar-a-Lago were illegal and unconstitutional,” Trump said in a statement.

Former US President Donald Trump is being investigated for suspected espionage. The FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-lago estate two weeks ago and found top secret documents.

The Washington Post writes that the FBI agents are said to have been looking for classified documents about nuclear weapons, among other things. It is not clear whether any such documents were found.

According to new source information to New York Times more than 300 classified documents have been seized since Trump left office as president.

Among the seized documents are material from the CIA and the FBI. The material must now be examined to see if any crime has been committed.

full screen”The break-in, search and seizure of Mar-a-Lago were illegal,” Trump said in a statement. Photo: Joe Maiorana/AP

Going to court

On Monday, Donald Trump filed a lawsuit with a federal judge, Reuters reports. There he demands that the FBI be temporarily stopped from reviewing the material.

Trump’s wish instead is for an outside party to review the documents seized from his estate.

At the same time, Trump wants a more detailed receipt of the items that were seized.

– The break-in, search and seizure from Mar-a-Lago were illegal and unconstitutional and we will take all measures necessary to get the documents back, Trump said in a statement according to TT.

full screenOver 300 sensitive documents were found at Donald Trump’s residence Mar-a-Lago. Photo: Steve Helber/AP
