Donald Trump is about to formalize his candidacy for the next American presidential election

Donald Trump is about to formalize his candidacy for the

The “big announcement” promised by Donald Trump is for this Tuesday, November 15. The former president is expected to formalize his candidacy for the next US presidential election in 2024, a candidacy that would come a week after midterm elections deemed disappointing by Donald Trump himself.

With our correspondent in Miami, David Thomson

After the November 8 vote, more and more Republicans are calling on Donald Trump to step down. But the former president seems determined to run from his private residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida. In his private club for millionaires in West Palm Beach everything is ready for the big announcement. It will be one of the most important days in our history, promises Donald Trump.

And for his candidacy announcement for the next presidential election, the former president wants people and atmosphere at Mar-a-Lago. Some of his most folkloric fans, those who attend his meetings in the front row with flags and disguises, have received personalized invitations. Members of Congress and longtime allies were also invited.

A candidacy shunned by part of the Republicans

And his advisers warn: Donald Trump will note all those who will be there, but also those who will not be there, because since the vote on Tuesday 8, the knives have been drawn among the Republicans. Trump is openly accused of having torpedoed these midtermshaving supported candidates deemed too extreme, who almost all lost their election.

So on the right, many do not want this new candidacy. “ It would be a mistake, warns the moderate Larry Hogan governor of Maryland, Trump has cost us the last three elections. I don’t want a fourth defeat. »

But Donald Trump remains the most popular figure among the conservative base who are eagerly awaiting his new presidential campaign.

To listen also: Will Trumpism be more durable than Donald Trump?
