Donald Trump demanded to abandon the constitution and is now getting a lot of flak across party lines

Donald Trump demanded to abandon the constitution and is now

Donald Trump said that in the United States, all rules can be waived, even those that are part of the Constitution. The former president justified his position with baseless accusations of election fraud.

A former president of the United States Donald Trump’s the proposal to do away with all rules and regulations drew criticism from both Democrats and Republicans over the weekend.

In an update on his Truth Social platform, Trump repeated baseless conspiracy theories about how the 2020 US presidential election was rigged and how both tech companies and the Democratic Party were complicit in the fraud.

Trump has repeatedly refused to concede to the Democrats Joe Biden election victory. The ex-president wrote in his update that such a massive fraud makes it possible to waive all rules, regulations and articles, including those included in the constitution.

The Constitution forms the basis of the American political system, so the proposal to ignore it is extraordinary even by Trump’s unorthodox standards. For example, the White House said in its statement that such an attack on the constitution should be condemned. “A danger to our democracy”

Democrats have harshly criticized Trump’s stance. The Senate Majority Leader, a Democrat Chuck Schumer said on Twitter that Trump was “a danger to our democracy.”

– He demands an end to the constitutional democracy of the United States, Schumer wrote in his tweet.

House Democrat Ted Lieu called Trump’s proposal fascist.

Harsh words were also heard from among the Republicans. House Republican Adam Kinzinger said that after this, no conservative can justify supporting Trump.

Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton again said that all true conservatives must oppose Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign.

The former president has recently experienced many setbacks. For example, in last month’s midterm elections, many of the candidates he supported lost.

Trump also sparked outrage across party lines after hosting a rapper known as a Holocaust denier at his Mar-a-Lago estate Yehwhich was previously called To Kanye Westand a supporter of white supremacy Nick Fuentes.

A day before Trump’s update, the new owner of Twitter Elon Musk released internal company communications that showed employees’ conversations with, among other things, Democrats during the 2020 presidential election.

Republicans have accused Twitter of withholding content criticizing Biden’s son Hunter Biden. According to the Washington Post, however, there was no evidence in the material that the technology company had bent to the will of the Democrats.

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