Donald Trump begins 2024 election work: Now I’m more angry, more determined

Donald Trump begins 2024 election work Now Im more angry

Former US President Donald Trump, while running for the presidential election in 2024, made his first speech on the election campaign at the annual meeting of the Republican Party held in New Hempshire and in the city of Columbia in the state of South Carolina. In his speech, Trump stated that he was motivated to win the 2024 elections and said, “I am more angry now and more determined than ever.”


“We’re planning bigger rallies than ever before,” Trump said, rejecting speculation when his campaign started slowly and his determination to run for president is questioned.

Criticizing the policies of the current President Joe Biden, Trump stated that the USA should “get rid of” the Biden administration, “We delivered a great economy to Biden, the fastest economic recovery ever. But now people are in economic difficulties. Joe Biden said America’ He put the country on the path of rapid destruction and we will stop it,” he said.


Criticizing illegal immigration, Trump has pledged to boost security on the US-Mexico border and fight leftist ideologies in the country. Making a commitment to stop federal funding for schools that embrace ideologies he describes as “left-wing gender ideology,” Trump said, “We will stop radical left-wing racists and perverts trying to brainwash our youth. We will defeat the cult of gender ideology.”

Trump, who served as President of the United States for 4 years until 2021, announced in November last year that he would run again from the Republican Party for the 2024 Presidential election. Among the Republicans who are expected to be Trump’s rivals, but have not yet officially announced their candidacy, are former Vice President Mike Pence, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

On the other hand, according to opinion polls conducted in the USA, it was noted that Trump received more votes than Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is seen as his strongest opponent among the Republican candidates in the 2024 presidential election. Donald Trump got 48 percent of the vote, while DeSantis got 31 percent, according to a poll conducted by Morning Consult last week.
