Donald Trump back in Washington: “Our country is going to hell”

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On Tuesday evening Swedish time, former US President Donald Trump gave an opening speech at a conference organized by a think tank in the capital Washington DC that is close to him.

The conference was attended by former Trump administration officials as well as supporters who are widely considered to be “a government ready to move into the White House” if Trump were to run again and win, writes Reuters.

Want to see harsher punishments

During the speech, Donald Trump mainly talked about crime by describing several graphic murders and assaults that he believes have taken place in the country recently. With the opening words “there is no respect for the law or order anymore”, he mentioned a number of measures he wanted to see.

Among other things, Trump proposed introducing harsher penalties, such as the death penalty, for drug dealers. He also argued for more resources to go to the police and stronger control over the border with Mexico.

Another proposal included making it easier for states to call in the National Guard if necessary.

– Our country is going to hell and it’s going fast, Trump said.

Hint of standing in the next election

This with reference to his opinion that the democratic rule contributed to “the American dream being torn to pieces” by inflation, record high gasoline prices and an energy crisis.

Trump again criticized the last election in the speech by calling it “disastrous”. At the same time, he hinted, as on several occasions before, that he might stand for election again with the words: “We might have to redo it”.

Pence gave a speech the same day

On Tuesday, Mice Pence, Trump’s former vice president and now possible rival in the 2024 election campaign, gave a speech at a conservative student conference not far from where Trump later gave his speech.

While Trump continues to criticize the 2020 presidential election, Pence emphasizes that he has instead chosen to look ahead.

– Some choose to focus on the past, but elections are about the future. I think conservatives need to focus on the future to win America back. We cannot afford to take our eyes off the road ahead because what is at stake is the very survival of our way of life, says Pence.
