Dominique Celis, from the survivors to the living

Dominique Celis.

To relive in Rwanda, is it to come back to oneself? And since we are there, should we put an end to the Rwandan mausoleum? And then finally, where can the resurrection after the genocide of the Tutsis be born?

A thousand questions run down the land of a thousand hills in the gripping novel by Dominique Celis So cry our men (c/o Philippe Rey). Striking as the body of a survivor who falls in love in a post-genocide context can be. Dominique Celis is not aggregated philosophy for nothing. Thanks to his writing, all in bone and fragmented poetry, we perceive the eyes of war wide open, on God and on sex. A birth in Burundi, an attachment to Merleau-Ponty, New York and Jerusalem, Miss Celis has the intransigence of great walkers…

The musical choices of Dominique Celis

Kamaliza Ni muve mu nzira

Oum Kalthoum Ya habibi
