Dollarstore is forced to pay SEK 700,000 in fines

Dollarstore is forced to pay SEK 700000 in fines

Dollarstore sold various face masks during the corona pandemic when demand was very high.

Dollarstore sold defective face masks during the pandemic

Now the Administrative Court can state that the mouth guards that Dollarstore sold during the pandemic did not meet the requirements for personal protective equipment and were therefore deficient, which Today’s jurisprudence was the first to report on.

Could have had major consequences

According to the Administrative Court, selling bad mouth guards could have had major consequences.

This is because the whole idea of ​​mouth protection was to reduce the risk of spreading infection.

“The administrative court writes that the sold protections were not subject to EU type control, did not have any instructions for use or product information in Swedish. The company, in its role as importer, is responsible for ensuring that the product meets the safety requirements,” writes the Consumer Agency according to Dagensjuridik.

Dollarstore is forced to pay SEK 700,000

Now the company Ahlberg Dollarstore AB is condemned to pay a penalty fee of SEK 700,000, because they sold deficient ash protection during the pandemic.

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