Doge meme’s dog is dead | Foreign countries

Doge memes dog is dead Foreign countries

Doge became the internet phenomenon of the 2010s, which was voted the meme of the decade.

The dog of the Doge meme has died at the age of 18.

On the Internet, a dog named Kabosu managed to be a celebrity almost his entire life, already for 14 years.

Kabosu, a Shiba inu breed, had leukemia and liver disease. It is dead today Friday.

– It died peacefully while sleeping in my lap, owner Atsuko Sato write on his blog.

He also says that he will organize a memorial party for his dog’s fans this weekend in Tokyo.

Kabosu’s exact date of birth is unknown, as Sato rescued him from a puppy mill.

The Doge meme has, among other things, been voted the meme of the 2010s. Kabosu’s death has been quoted in numerous international media.

Doge even inspired a cryptocurrency

Sato, who lives in Tokyo, photographed his dog in 2010 lying down with his paws crossed. He posted the picture on his blog, from where it spread to the online forum Reddit and from there like wildfire across the web.

A legend was born.

Later, the image was published, among other things, as a digital artwork, which was sold for 4 million dollars.

In addition, Dogecoin was created based on the image. It is a currency that started as a joke, which is now the eighth most valuable cryptocurrency in the world.

Dogecoin has been supported by, for example, a rapper Snoop DoggKiss bassist Gene Simmons and a billionaire Elon Musk.
