When the snow melts away, all debris that is on sidewalks and walkways is exposed, which is less nice than the new spring sun. It will also be more difficult for sloppy dog owners to hide dog bag bags in nature or in the streets.
The fact that bags are labeled as “compostable” or “bion -resort” does not mean that they can be left out in nature and then expected to be broken down by the environment. A composting process does not only occur because the bags end up in nature.
In a press release from Keep Sweden Clean, the CEO explains Johanna Ragnartz The thing closer.
– These bags usually require specific conditions, such as industrial composting, to break down. At present, there is not in Sweden. When you pick up after your dog, the bag should be thrown in the trash, not nature.
The fact that other plastic bags are broken down very slowly in nature should not come as a news to anyone.
Dog bag bags are thus illegal to throw in nature and in many municipalities there are regulations that make it mandatory to pick up after the dog in densely populated areas.
Throughout the country, however, dog bag bags are counted in nature as debris, a crime that can give SEK 800 in fines.
On the other hand, it may be allowed in some cases to leave dog bait in forest and land but only in a way that does not cause inconvenience, writes Keep Sweden clean.