Dog died during surgery – the vet made a mistake

Dog died during surgery the vet made a mistake

A dog died during an operation in the summer of 2023. Now the veterinarian who performed the operation has been censured by the Animal Health and Medical Responsibility Board.

Dog died during surgery

The reason for the dot is that the vet chose to operate on the dog with uterine inflammation, despite the clinic’s lack of inpatient aftercare. The dog had previously received care, and now came back as it got worse.

The vet decided on a new operation when the owner returned with the dog in a deteriorated condition, but it died during the operation.

Archive image. Photo: Roald, Berit/TT The veterinarian is considered to have made a mistake

In the Responsibility Committee’s decision, which News24 taken part in, it says:

“The dog was in a reduced general condition, which increases the risk of complications and the need for inpatient care. Since the clinic could not offer this, NN would not have offered to operate on the dog either. She would instead have referred the dog to a clinic that was able to offer further inpatient care . She would therefore, instead of operating, have stabilized the dog for further transport to such a clinic”.

Didn’t listen to the owner

The responsibility committee is critical that the veterinarian did not listen to the owner’s desire to euthanize the dog upon return, and finds the record keeping to be deficient.

The owner has also noted that the dog had barely woken up from anesthesia when it was left for transport home after the first surgery and is wondering if that caused an internal bleed.

However, the vet found the bleeding limited when the dog returned the following day.

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