Does your PC keyboard start writing nonsense? Here’s how to fix the problem easily

Does your PC keyboard start writing nonsense Heres how to

While you are typing on your computer, the keyboard suddenly starts writing nonsense? Don’t panic, you just did something wrong. And this little problem is very simple to solve.

As you enter text on your PC you realize that what you are writing makes no sense. The A’s became Q’s, the Z’s became W’s and the M’s became:’ and the accented letters became symbols and other punctuation marks… In short, a real nightmare! However, don’t panic, this is neither a breakdown nor a hack. The explanation is very simple: your French Azerty keyboard has turned into an English Qwerty keyboard.

But how did this sudden change come about? Thanks – or rather, because of, in this case – Windows. Indeed, Microsoft’s operating system is full of keyboard shortcuts – key combinations that trigger actions without going through menus and without using the mouse. You probably know the famous Ctrl+C And Ctrl+V which are used to copy and paste text. But there are many others that you don’t know exist and that are active by default.

And this is precisely the case for those which allow you to switch at any time from one language to another for keyboard input, for example from French to English or Spanish. So here is the origin of your problem: without knowing it, you accidentally activated one of these shortcuts which changed the Azerty keyboard to a Qwerty keyboard – or another, depending on the languages ​​defined in the system. .

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Fortunately, this problem is very simple to resolve. To find your Aserty keyboard, simply press the language switch shortcuts again: Alt+Shift And win+Space. First press the button Alt and keep it pressed, then briefly press the button Shift and release it. Same with the keys win And Space. As long as you don’t release the key Alt Or wina menu remains displayed on the right of your screen.

This shortcut allows you to switch between the French and English keyboard, often installed, but also other languages ​​that you may have added yourself in Windows. Thus, each new short press of the key Shift allows you to switch to the next language (French, English, German, etc.). Release Alt when your choice is made. The combination Alt+Shift allows you to switch cyclically between the languages ​​installed on your system. That is to say, by default, between the French keyboard and the English keyboard in the version of Windows installed on computers sold in France.

The good news is that it is entirely possible to disable this annoying shortcut. Press the shortcut win+I to access the Windows settings then click on Time and language > Language and region > Seizure > Advanced keyboard settings then on the link Input language shortcut key. In the window that appears, click on To modify. In the left column, check No assigned and validate with OK. You are now safe from mishandling your keyboard.
