Does your operator ask you for the IMEI number of your phone to troubleshoot it, unlock it or even block it, in the event of loss or theft? Do not panic: there are several easy ways to find this famous code.
Lost your phone? Has your cell phone been stolen? Your device is blocked with one operator and you want to unlock it to use another network? Do you want to check that a second-hand phone offered to you has not been stolen? In all these cases, you need its IMEI number. But what is it, and, above all, where to find it? Rest assured, whatever the situation, and whatever the brand and model of the device, you can get this precious code easily and quickly.
What is the IMEI number?
The acronym IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity in English, or International Mobile Equipment Identity in French. Clearly, the IMEI is an identification number associated with a mobile device (phone or tablet). However, it only concerns devices that can connect to a mobile phone network, not computers or headphones, for example. Consisting of a series of 15 to 17 digits (for example, 335698621109182), it is assigned uniquely and definitively to a device by its manufacturer, which makes it possible to identify it in a sure way. In practice, it is made up of several groups of numbers: the first, issued by the certification authority, corresponds to the country of manufacture: the second, defined by the manufacturer, to the serial number of the device; and the third to a control code. Each device thus has its own IMEI number and it cannot be changed – except by complex manipulation prohibited by law.
In fact, many current smartphones have two IMEI numbers, one for each SIM card it can accommodate – each of which can be connected to a specific mobile network. They are often referred to simply as IMEI 1 and IMEI 2 and naturally have several numbers in common. But, whatever the case, the IMEI is always associated with a device and not with an operator: it is, in a way, its international – and definitive – registration number.
Warning: even if it looks a bit like it, the IMEI number of a mobile has nothing to do with the PUK code of a SIM card, which is issued by the operator, but which is much shorter and has another role (see our fact sheet).
What is the IMEI number used for?
The IMEI number is used by telephone operators to identify a mobile device and grant or deny it access to their networks. It can help you in many situations.
Thus, when a laptop has been lost or stolen, it can be prevented from being used by third parties by declaring it to the operator. Thanks to its IMEI number, the operator blocks access to its network as well as to that of other networks, by registering it on a black list. It is therefore impossible for anyone to use it on any telephone network.
Furthermore, the IMEI number can be used to unlock the use of a mobile on a network. Indeed, when a phone is sold with a package from an operator, it is blocked – locked or ““simlocked” – to be used only on its telephone network. To use it on another operator’s network, when you change plans for example, you have to unlock it. This operation – often called unlocking – is carried out by indicating the IMEI number of the mobile to the operator who locked it.
Finally, it is thanks to the IMEI number that you can make emergency calls (by dialing 112) even when the mobile has no SIM card or is not connected to any mobile network. . Please note that this function is no longer available in France where the mobile must be equipped with a SIM card and must not be blocked to make emergency calls (the SIM card being used for location purposes).
For all these reasons, it is therefore essential to know the IMEI number of a mobile (see below) and to keep it. This is particularly important in the event of theft, in order to be able to declare it to an operator and prohibit its use.
Where can I find the IMEI number of a device?
Each mobile has its own IMEI number. Like its serial number, which is also unique, this code is always printed on a label, in digital form and with a barcode. This label is usually found on one side of the device’s shipping carton, along with other information such as make, model, and serial number. It is also sometimes found inside, with the instructions for use and the accessories. And, especially the few models that still have it, inside the phone, under the removable battery – just open the case and remove the battery to find it. Attention, in general, the number is printed in miniature: it is good to take a photo – to keep on a computer or in an online storage service – to enlarge it and read it more easily. in any case, it is advisable to copy and keep a copy of the IMEI number in a safe and easily accessible place, to find it more easily in case of emergency (loss or theft).
Where to find the IMEI number of an iPhone?
If you no longer have the label that came with your iPhone, you can always find the IMEI number via the iOS settings.
► Open OS Settings. Press on General then on Information.

► Scroll down the content of the page to the section Physics SIM. The IMEI number is displayed just below. There may be two IMEI numbers listed. If so, the device has two SIM slots (physical or virtual).

Where to find the IMEI number of an Android smartphone?
If you no longer have the label that came with your Android phone, you can find the IMEI number in the settings. As often with Android, where to find this famous information varies from one brand to another, or even from one model to another, depending on the overlay used by the manufacturer.
► Open Android settings. Go through the list and open the menu titled About Phone Where About the deviceoften located at the very top or at the very bottom.

► Scroll the content of the page. The IMEI number of the smartphone must be there.

► There may be two IMEI numbers. If so, the device has two SIM slots (physical or virtual).

If you are unable to find the IMEI number of your mobile in the settings of the device or on its packaging, you can obtain it very easily by dialing a special code. The manipulation works on any device, be it iPhone, iPad or Android model.
► Open the Phone app on your mobile. Access the keypad to dial a number and just type the code *#06#without doing anything else, not even pressing the call button.

► Immediately, the IMEI code(s) are displayed, whether or not a SIM card is present in the device.

Do you have any doubts about the origin of a second-hand phone offered to you? Before buying it, take the time that it is not a model that has been stolen and blacklisted. Because, in this case, you will not be able to use it with any operator.
► To do this, retrieve its IMEI number using one of the methods described above or ask the seller.
► With a web browser, then go to ImeiChecka site that allows you to check IMEI codes.
► Enter or paste the IMEI number of the device in the appropriate field and press the Check IMEI button to start the check.
► A window is displayed immediately to give you the verdict, giving you the make and model of the device.