Does your Instagram username no longer suit you? You can easily change it in a few moments. Provided you follow a few rules and don’t do it too often.

Does your Instagram username no longer suit you You can

Does your Instagram username no longer suit you? You can easily change it in a few moments. Provided you follow a few rules and don’t do it too often.

When you register on Instagram, you must enter certain standard information (last name, first name, email address, telephone number), but also define a username. This information is not definitive, and you can change it practically at any time, for example not to appear under your civil name, by taking a pseudonym to protect your real identity on the social network. The operation is simple and fast: it is carried out on your profile, both with the mobile application and with the web version for computers. While some platforms limit the number of times you can change your name, fortunately this is not the case for Instagram. You can change it whenever you want and as many times as you want – although there is a small deadline to respect – and this is very easy.

Be careful however: even if both are modified in the same place, it is necessary to distinguish between the user name and the name. Your name is the one that appears under your avatar. It doesn’t have to be unique – there can be many of you calling yourself Marie Smith on Instagram. It can contain emojis and special characters and can be edited up to twice in 14 days. Your username is the one that appears at the very top of your profile. It must be unique since it allows you to be unequivocally identified on the social network. It’s a kind of pseudonym. There are some restrictions to respect: it must not exceed 30 characters, must only contain letters, numbers, dots and short dashes (the – character) and you can only change it every 14 days.

So in the example below, the official name is Maurine Briantaiswhile the username is maurinebriantais.

It is very easy to change your official name or username on Instagram. There are just a few rules to follow.

► Launch the Instagram app and log in if it’s not done automatically.

► Tap your profile iconl, the one with your round photo, at the very bottom right.


► Press Edit profileunder your description.


► Modify the corresponding field, i.e. Last name Where username.


► Press thevalidation icon blue, top left. That’s it: your new name is immediately applied to your profile and to your publications.

As with the mobile app, you can change your name on Instagram with the web version, by editing your profile.

► Open your usual web browser and go to Log in to your account if it is not done automatically.

► Click on your profilel, the one with your round photo on the right, above the suggestions.


► Click on Edit profilenext to your username.


► Modify the corresponding field, i.e. Last name Where username.


► Press the blue button Send, at the bottom. That’s it: your new name is immediately applied to your profile and to your publications.
