Does radiation therapy destroy cancer? How long does radiation therapy take in lung cancer?

Radiation therapy is applied with personalized treatment plans depending on the location, size and spread of the tumor. During treatment, radiation oncologists try to strike a delicate balance, focusing on causing minimal damage to healthy tissue while affecting cancerous tissue. This method can be used as an alternative to surgical intervention or preferred to support post-surgical treatment. Radiation therapy requires a multidisciplinary team work and aims to improve the quality of life of patients. Radiation therapy, which is applied in accordance with the condition of each patient, gives hope to patients as one of the important tools in cancer treatment.

Radiation therapy is a type of cancer treatment in which high-energy rays are used to destroy cancerous cells. Radiation therapy mostly uses X-rays, but protons or other forms of energy can also be used. Radiation therapy can be used alone or in combination with other treatments to treat cancer. For example, it can be used before or after surgery. It can also help prevent the growth of cancer cells when used with chemotherapy.

Radiation therapy works by damaging the DNA of cancer cells. This damage prevents cells from multiplying and growing. Radiation therapy can damage healthy cells as well as cancerous cells. Therefore, radiation therapy can have side effects. Radiation therapy is an effective method in cancer treatment. However, the risks and benefits of treatment should be carefully considered, as they can have side effects. There are two main types of radiation therapy:

  • External radiotherapy:
  • Internal radiotherapy:

External radiotherapy is the most widely used type of radiation therapy for cancer treatment. This type of radiation therapy can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy or alone. Internal radiotherapy can be used to shrink the tumor before surgery or to destroy tumor cells after surgery. It can also be used to prevent cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.

Does radiation therapy destroy cancer?

Although radiation therapy in cancer is a treatment method aimed at destroying the cancer, the complete eradication of the cancer is not always guaranteed. Radiation therapy aims to kill cancer cells or try to control their growth. However, cancer cells can grow faster than normal cells and sometimes develop resistance to treatment. The treatment plan is determined by factors such as the type of cancer, its stage, its spread, and the patient’s general health. Radiation therapy is often used to control cancer, shrink tumors, or relieve symptoms. During treatment, meticulous work is done to minimize damage to healthy tissues.

In some cases, radiation therapy can completely destroy the cancer. However, in some cases, cancer cells may develop resistance to treatment or may recur after treatment. For this reason, radiation therapy in cancer is often used in combination with other treatment methods such as surgery or chemotherapy. Every patient is different and treatment results may vary depending on individual factors. It is important to consult with a radiation oncologist or treatment team for a better understanding of the treatment plan and expectations.

How long does radiation therapy take in lung cancer?

The duration of radiation therapy for lung cancer can vary depending on several factors. The type of cancer, its stage, the location of the tumor, the general health status of the patient and the treatment plan are among the factors that affect the duration of treatment. Usually, radiation therapy for lung cancer can take 2 to 7 weeks. During this period, patients usually receive treatment 5 days a week, and each session lasts an average of 10 to 30 minutes. During the treatment period, the radiation oncologist can tailor the treatment plan to target the cancerous tissue and provide the most effective treatment without harming healthy tissues.

The duration of treatment may vary depending on the stage of the cancer and its spread. The duration of treatment may be shorter in early-stage lung cancer cases, while the duration of treatment may be longer in advanced-stage cases.

What is the success rate of lung cancer radiation therapy?

The success rate of lung cancer radiation therapy varies depending on the stage of the cancer, the size and location of the tumor, and the patient’s general health. In early-stage lung cancer, radiation therapy can be used alone or in combination with surgery. In these cases, the success rate of radiation therapy is quite high. For example, in early stage non-small cell lung cancer, the five-year survival rate of radiation therapy can be up to 70%.

In extensive stage lung cancer, radiation therapy is often used in conjunction with chemotherapy. In these cases, the success rate of radiation therapy is lower. For example, in extensive stage small cell lung cancer, the five-year survival rate of radiation therapy and chemotherapy is 15%.
